Dragon Mage Graphics
The More Advanced Table

Okay, now how can you use tables to spiff up your site? Well, I use tables on this page. Cool, eh? I will show you some more advanced table tools. The red text is, as usual, changable.

<head> <title> Welcome </title> </head>
<body bgcolor="#000000" text="#CC00CC" link="#FF00FF" alink="#330033" vlink="#CCCCCC">


<table border="3" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" width="600" bordercolorlight="#330066" bordercolordark="#666699">



Now, look at what was added. The two, BORDERCOLORLIGHT and BORDERCOLORDARK, additions make a border worth while! Change the colors as needed, but I think the colors I have used look best with the overall color scheme of this paritcular page. (Purple and Black) To find your own, go over to Doug's Hex Color Page.

As you can see, I also chose to add a cellpadding of 10. Why? If you are using a table to make text look better, then you most definately should do this! This will space the text away from the border.

Finally, the width has been changed to 600. This means that it will be 600 pixels long no matter what browser the person is using. The largest you can use is 640, which is the smallest screen size.

<head> <title> Welcome </title> </head>
<body bgcolor="#000000" text="#CC00CC" link="#FF00FF" alink="#330033" vlink="#CCCCCC">


<table border="3" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" width="600" bordercolorlight="#330066" bordercolordark="#666699">
<td bgcolor="#330033">


My page uses spiffy tables! I can play around with backgrounds, borders, colors...you get the idea.



Well, there you have it. Want to see this one in action? Of course you do! View this file!

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© drago. Please do not remove anything from this page. The backgrounds are offered in the free graphics sections.