
The Looming Layer

It looks like a mountain, but it shoot straight upwards like a castle's outer walls. It almost looks as if there is another mountiain at the top of the wall, the pointy fingers reaching up, up, and away. Your eyes glide back down its exterior, and you see a slanted, slashed door open and a wolf-life creature approach you.


"Well, well, well," drawls the wolf-like creature. "I see you've made it to the face of the layr. I am Anchore, your welcoming committy. Visitors to the Layr are supposed to be warned about possible injuries and so on."

"Possible injuries?" you ask.

Anchore sits, swishing her tail back and forth. "Those in the Layr come from a very strong community, and most members here have protective tendencies. So, now that you've been warned, you're more than welcome. What do you say?"

Follow Anchore into the Looming Layr
Head North
Head West
Move towards the Cliffs

Wonderous Wood