
The Jaded Jungle


Still slightly confused by the centaur, you trudge onward, noticing that whenever you see any small creatures, they always at least seem to be in pairs. You stop at a point in the path because you find four creatures sleeping together, straight across the path.

The two at either end seem to be small, bug-like creatures. There is also a fox and a small hare... such an unusual gathering of animals. Not wanting to wake them up, you try to see how to get around them. The only real way is to step clear over them, which doesn't seem to be a great option.

After a few minutes of staring at the brambles and wall-like plants around the animals, however, you come to the conclusion that you do, actually, have to step over them all. So, carefully, you step over the hare (thinking it safer than stepping over the fox) and walk on, silently.


You make it only a few steps before you run into another creature. He seems to be heading back the way you came, and you can't tell if this is a friendly creature or one to be avoided. However, as you go to pass it, the creature gives you a sniff, as if you check you out.

You turn and watch him intently, not sure if you should keep your back to him or not. With a small rumble that could be something like a growl, but also could be something like a purr, the creature turns his back to you and trots off, his head held high. He seems rather afronted.

Unsure of what to do, you realize it is probably easier to go on...

Follow the Path
Return to the Beginning of the Jungle

Wonderous Wood